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Top Team-Building Secrets to Build a High Performance Team from "Cooking for a Cause"

cooking for a cause by lorraine grubbsBe a Person Who Likes Peopleall People

Treat People As Equals - The Golden Rule still applies: “Treat Others as You Would Want to Be Treated”

Trust - Show your people you trust them by empowering them

Be an Excellent Listener - You have two ears and one mouth for a reason

Give Praise and Thanks Frequently - They won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care

Make Sacrifices for the Organization -  Never ask anyone to do something you would not be willing to do 

Communicate Effectively - Write well, speak well, listen well…it’s the basis of any good leader’s success

Create a Unique Business Model - What’s unique about your business? Know your Competitive Advantage

Lead Through Love; Treat Others Like Family - Let people know you love them and respect them as you would your own family

Remain Calm Under Fire - People will look to you to set the example when things don’t go right

Excerpts from “Cooking For A Cause”